Mass Audubon Bird-a-thon: The Big Finish

Total Bird-a-thon Species: 91 Though exhausted from a long, sleepless night, we pushed on into the morning, a virtual confetti of warblers, thrushes, flycatchers, and so much more. Basically, the bird-a-thon had the great fortune of occurring during a bird fallout. Moving beyond out immediate backyard, we decided to pedal to other parts of Scituate, …

Continue reading Mass Audubon Bird-a-thon: The Big Finish

Magic Is Everywhere

It seemed like perfect timing: Cornell Lab and eBird's Global Big Day and our family nearing the 200 mark. With the right weather, location, and timing it seemed like that big number could be met. First was location. After much research with our birding friend, we decided on two very different locations: Burrage Pond in …

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